Research publications in peer reviewed journals
  1. A Soft solution process to synthesize nanocrystalline barium zirconate via reactive solid state precursors, Anjali A. Athawale and M. Bapat, Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, 23 (2005) 1.
  2. Ag-Polyaniline nanocomposite as a selective sensor for ammonia, Anjali A. Athawale and P. P. Katre, Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, 23 (2005) 323.
  3. Synthesis of silver nanowires inside mesoporous MCM-41 host, P. V. Adhyapak, P. Karandikar, K. Vijayamohanan, Anjali A. Athawale and A. J. Chandwadkar, Material Letter, 58 (2004) 1168.
  4. Synthesis and characterization of novel Copper/Polyaniline nanocomposite and application as a catalyst in the Wacker oxidation reaction, Anjali A. Athawale and S. V. Bhagwat, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 89 (2003) 2412.
  5. Aniline as a stabilizer for metal nanoparticles, Anjali A. Athawale and S. V. Bhagwat, P. Katre, Material Letter, 57 (2003) 3889.
  6. Chloroform vapour sensor based on Copper/Polyaniline nanocomposite, Anjali A. Athawale, Satish Sharma, Chetan Nirkhe and Sushma Pethkar, Sensors and Actuators B, 85 (2002) 131.
  7. Studies on chemically synthesized soluble acrylic acid doped polyaniline, Anjali A. Athawale, Millind V. Kulkarni and Vasant V. Chabuskwar, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 73(1) (2002) 106.
  8. Evidence for second - order optical nonlinearity in  - ray induced partially cross linked polyacrylonitrile, S. Pethkar, J. A. Dharmadhikari, Anjali A. Athawale, R.C. Aiyer and K. Vijaymohanan, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 105(2) (2001) 5110.
  9. Acrylic acid doped polyaniline sensitive to ammonia vapours, Anjali A. Athawale and V. V. Chabukswar, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 79 (2001) 1994.
  10. Acrylic acid doped polyaniline as an ammonia sensor, V. V. Chabukswar, Sushama Pethkar and Anjali A. Athawale, Sensors and Actuators B, 77 (2001) 657.
  11. Poly (2,3-dimethylaniline) as a competent material for humidity sensor, Milind V. Kulkarni and Anjali A. Athawale, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 81 (2001) 1382.
  12. Polyaniline and its substituted derivatives as a sensor for aliphatic alcohols, Anjali A. Athawale and Milind V. Kulkarni, Sensors and Actuators B, 67 (2000) 173.