Professor Shridhar R. Gadre

Professor Shridhar P. Gejji

Interests: Ion Transport in Solid Polymer Electrolytes, High Energy Molecules

Dr. K. Babu

Interests: Study of MESP for large molecular systems, Linear Scaling

Dr. Anant D. Kulkarni

Interests: Molecular Hydration, Water Clusters, Hydrogen bonding

P. Balanarayan

Interests: Topography of 3D molecular scalar fields, Information Entropies

Milind Deshmukh

Interests: QSAR, weak intermolecular Interactions

V. Ganesh

Interests: New Techniques to study large molecular systems and their property calculation, Visualization and Quantum Computing

Rameshwar Dongare

Interests: QSAR for special molecules

Jovan Jose

Interests: Investigating crystal patterns, MESP for weakly interacting molecules

Ritwik Kavathekar

Interests: Excited state properties of organic molecules

Anuja P. Rahalkar

Interests: Quantum chemical study of molecular interactions

Sidhu S. Kshetri

Interests: Scientific programming for computation of molecular properties, computer clustering

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Updated on July 19 , 2006