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NET-SET coaching programme-2016-Chemistry
Advertisement for the Post of Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for the Position of Project Assistant under Department of Science and Technology (DST-INDIA)
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National Workshop on Electronic Structure Methods: Density Functional Theoretic Perspectives (NWESM-2016)
Advertisement for the position of Project Assistant Chemistry Deptt
National Conference on Recent Trends in Drug Development at Department of Chemistry
Accommodation and transportation during workshop at Department of Chemistry
Advertisement for Project Assistant/Instrumentation Operator at Central Instrumentation Facility
CSIR NET-SET coaching
Advertisement for the Award of UGC Fellowships to Meritorious students 2013-2014
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant under the DST funded project
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate and Project Assistant
Advertisement for the position of Project Assistant under DST funded project
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advertisement for Project Assistant in DST-SERB funded research project
advertisement for Research Fellow on DST sponsored Research Scheme
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CSIR Coaching 2013
NET SET Coaching Programme Form
Programme of National Conference (FPCBS-2013)
Get Together Programme
National conference (FPCBS-2013) during 4-6 October, 2013
Template for Abstract writing for FPCBS-2013
Registration form FPCBS-2013
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Notice for PET Exam 2011 – 2012
Advertisement for the recruitment of JRF on ARMREB project
MPhil entrance result 2011(BioChem)
MPhil entrance result 2011(Chem. page 1)
MPhil entrance result 2011(Chem. page 2)
Seat numbers of MPhil entrance exam(Chemistry)
Seat numbers of MPhil entrance exam(Biochemistry)
M.Phil. Entrance Test